"So...what exactly is Deep Dive??"

One of the Journalers asked 'What's the difference? What would we be doing if we had of just kept going with Fundamentals 2 rather than Deep Dive?" 
And here is my answer. 

Deep Dive is more about discussion, and expression less about technique. You need to be comfortable with your pages before you jump into Deep Dive. At Deep Dive we join together to discuss and share, and even wrestle. Each week I bring a topic-for instance Boundaries and see where that takes us. 

art journal page comfort

Deep Dive is about making space, taking time, being open and ready to sit with not just others but yourself, and examine your thoughts, feeling and reaction to, the topic of the week. 

Sometimes the discussion is for the first half of the session, then we move on to the journaling and making our page. You need to be in a place where your pages and the aesthetic of them isn't your priority. We use the pages as a representation of the thoughts and feelings and as part of the journey of the 'Dive'. 


I hope that answers the question, or does it create more questions? Because in some sessions that's what happens, rather than find answers, we end up with more questions.