Winter session starts January 13
Formerly the Monday Morning Quilt Along, this group evolved into a group of creatives that go beyond the sewing machine. This is Studio time! Time for you to honour your creativity and explore in the company of a creative community. It's a magical place, and if you're unsure, you can come for a week to try it out before committing.
Make time in your week for quilting, knitting, painting or even just tidying your studio...whatever you're working on you are welcome.
Start your week off with two hours of quilting time...or anything time
This is what a session looks like.
- We check in
- Show where we are at, what we are working on
- The group is here for you if you need any feedback
- Sew, cut, press-I'm here for you if you get stuck, or have any questions
- Knit, tidy your studio, make a paper craft, fold your fabric (or your laundry), this is your time.
- I check in with everyone once during the 2 hours
- More often than not there's a lively discussion and quiet working time
- Finish up with a 'where'd you get to'/show and tell
Who is this class for?
This is your two hours a week to set aside for your own creative endeavour. Currently we have knitters, quilters, and artists, but if you know anything about us crafty, artistic folks, you know we have our hands in more than one pie. Actually pie making and bread making have both been discussed.
Start your week prioritizing your creative self, and if you're unsure, you are welcome to come try for a week to see if we're a good fit. Everyone will be working at their own pace and on their own project, but be aware, craftiness is contagious and we often inspire one another to try new things.
I am there for advice and guidance, but this is not a lesson based class.
Who else is in the group?
This group is made up of an eclectic mix of creative women. Originally the group came together from a Facebook post I made about quilting, but it has evolved into a supportive and community.
It's so easy for the days to get lost and you don't know how you didn't get anything done. This class is somewhere to show up every week, and see familiar faces, and have others celebrate your wins with you.
Monday mornings 9:30-11:30
Starts January 13 and runs for 12 weeks. There is no class February 24
The winter session is going to run a little differently. If you'd like to sign up for the 12 weeks, it's $110, OR you can pay $10 for the weeks you will be with us. (This is because a couple of our regular creatives have a quilt show to plan and will be missing quite a few weeks)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send an email to artwithanna@outlook.com